Monday, November 26, 2007

the pilgrims and the indians

Thanksgiving is a ritual from which I will never tire.
Turkey, naps, talking philosophy with Dad, building shelves for the storage room, watching a dozen movies, watching BYU win a clutch football game, watching my wife finally get the rest she deserves, talking libertarianism with Jana, spare time, observing the mastery of Mom's cooking, recalling past events and memories, visiting friends, tossing the football with Kimball, freezing mountain air, sweet Utah water, watching Ki become the too-cool teenager, and just kickin it. Thanksgiving is actually a lot like Christmas...but without all the anxiety and commercialism.
My favorite quote of the week: "oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was still talking." --Kimball (after I kept interrupting his story)
My favorite moment: Jes sleeping through the entire night (and most of the morning) without coughing or vomiting
My other favorite moment: eating inordinate amounts of food (and not vomiting myself)


jes said...

i agree... that was one of my favorite Thanksgivings! hey guess what? i love you too!!!

Sister Brown said...

So glad to hear you had a great long weekend. I'm glad that you (Ammon) are married to Jes. What a blessing you are to her and to us!
Love you both (all 3)!

Jana B. said...

those were good times, man.