Ammon's cantaloupe!
Emma turned 4 months old on the 16th of October! She seems so old already! At her doctor's appointment we found out her current stats:
weight: 16 lbs. 7 oz. (95th percentile)
height: 25 3/4 inches (95th percentile)
head: 17 1/4 inches (off the charts!)
Needless to say, she's a chubalub! She's been downing around 45 ounces of formula a day, so the doc suggested starting some solids so she can go back to sleeping through the night (like she did at a month old). We started some rice cereal. I have already done research and created a calendar of further introduction of solids. More pics and videos to come!
She has become so much more active now. She rolled from back to front for the first time on October 1st while helping me at mutual. My girls all clapped and cheered her on... SO CUTE! Her current favorite activities are listed below:
Emma LOVES "reading" TIME with dad. Ammon calls it "recycling".
She didn't make THAT much of a mess during cereal! Don't you just LOVE that headband? I'm getting so artsy (with lots of help).
She has also found her hands, feet, toys, and anything else she can shove into her mouth! She has an abnormally small mouth (takes after mom), so she gets oh so frustrated when things don't fit like they should!
Video of Emma's cereal experience. She LOVED it. She was pretty tired because she got shots the day before, which usually wipes her out. Needless to say, she slept VERY well that night!
That fruit looks tasty! By the way your baby is soo cute!
she is definitely ready for cereal. She has the eating down already! What a big girl she is becoming. So adorable! I love her so much!
Amm so how does the cantalope taste?
ADORABLE! Ammon needs to find a new way to recycle though.
you have such a little cutie on your hands! so did you make those headbands? if you did, I want to know how you did them!! I've made some for Reese too, but I really like yours!
no that makes sense. Although how did you finish off the nylon once you cut it? Did you sew the cut ends together? I'm very impressed with your creativity Jes! Oh, and I wanted you to know I am thinking of voting for you for Pres!
she looks so much like ammon. she's so cute and growing up so fast! those limes look so good. i wanted a little lime bush here, but they won't ship them to texas. way lame.
I wish I had a lime harvest to take a picture of on my bamboo floor! That is AWESOME. I'm jealous.
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