Saturday, December 5, 2009


For Halloween Emma was Ariel and her cousin Cambryn was Cinderella. True to their characters, Cam carried both her Halloween bag and Emma's Halloween bag, which was a purse. Emma just stole whatever candy she wanted, when she wanted it. It was in the 80s that day, so naturally we put on lots of layers under her costume to make sure she wouldn't be cold when it got down in the 70s while we were out.

So I bought Emma this new yogurt that was super on sale. It's called "Crushables" because you are just supposed to squish the cup to get the yogurt out. Their selling point is that you don't need a spoon. After she tried it I thought..."Well I don't technically need a spoon to eat my food either, but I think the point of one is to prevent me from looking like Emma does". What do you think?

Ammon trying to do a Christmas card. Emma's not buying it. A hat like that is not exactly necessary for 75 degrees and sunny. She now loves Santa though. She says Santa whenever she sees a piece of red and white clothing, and definitely knows the "Ho Ho"...not to be confused with her impression of a Daadoo(Dog) "Hoo Hoo".

Our favorite thing to do is to go to a park. It has since gotten a little colder and we have to wear a coat (60s), but at least we can get out of the house! We would definitely go crazy otherwise!

Emma's first encounter with the snow was at Thanksgiving in Salt Lake when we went to visit Ammon's family. She wasn't the biggest fan of all the layers...except the hot pink boots (thanks to grandma!). I was expecting her to just eat the snow because she still puts everything in her mouth. However, she didn't want to get her face that close to it because it was a little too chilly for her. She also learned the word "COLD" on this trip. It was definitely COLD!

Ammon's family are all very outdoorsy, so we went rock climbing at an indoor climbing gym. I thought Emma would climb more than she did. She didn't have the patience (attention span maybe?) for it. She enjoyed cheering everyone else on. This is one of the few pics we got of her actually trying to climb.

We also went to see the Salt Lake City Temple Lights. They were as gorgeous as ever. It was C O L D, but not as cold as the year before when we went around Christmas time. Emma also learned the word "lights", but was more interested in pointing out all of the "cuckies" (garbage cans...her current favorite word. not to be confused with "guckie" for her aunt becki!).

Most of the time older kids just push Emma down at the seriously, it's the saddest thing. However, this time, an older kid finally taught her something useful. The first few times she skinned her nose during take off, but this time she got it and was so proud of herself. Cute.


AlliSMiles said...

YOU WERE IN UTAH?!!! You are in trouble, missy.

joelle said...

cute family picture :) I love Emma's pink snow gear!

Becki said...

i always love it when you post because you have the cutest pictures! i'm so glad we got to see you, dal and i can't wait for january to come visit you guys!

Brie and Jeff said...

So fun! Love the pictures and updates.

Dad said...

Thanks for coming over Ammon and Jes for the holidays. Always nice to see Emma

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!