Wednesday, December 12, 2007

life after finals...

Now before you think this is Ammon and are completely disgusted by the lack of finesse in this post, it is I... the not-so-eloquent one who has to use spell check when writing words > 6 letters in length. That's a math quiz for you all.

Ammon finished his last two finals with much better grace than his first atrocity in the previous blog. We celebrated his accomplishment with a drunken party at his professor's house. Although we (and a few other couples) were not drinking, all of his professors were sure to be completely smashed in a few short hours. It was good to meet all of them to put a face to a name. They all seem rather harmless despite the picture that was painted for me in Legally Blonde... the only thing I have to go off of.

Now that finals are over, I have a stay-at-home husband to come home to after a hard day's work! I came home almost every day last week to a clean house with laundry almost put away and groceries in the fridge. I'm in heaven... if only roles were reversed!

Ammon has also been hard at work in the backyard doing landscape. I'm sure he'll post pictures of the entire transformation once it's complete, so stay tuned! I've never seen Ammon or my dad more excited about any one project. Both Ammon and my dad must have asked at least 3 or 4 times what I thought of the progress... such a cute bonding experience for them! I will definitely miss THIS Ammon when he is back at school in 3 weeks and becomes a law school slave once more.

We're still waiting for our better days.

1 comment:

Jana B. said...

my dear, you are terribly eloquent. good work. i'm glad ammon is treating you well and i'll bet that AZ weather is perfectly peachy. It snowed a foot in the last 2 hours here.