Monday, February 11, 2008

It's a GIRL!!!

Well... it's official! Our modest lil one is a cute and cuddly lil girl! I couldn't be happier... and Am is warming up to the idea of having another lil princess around the house. Grandma Brown has already brought over 8-10 baby blankets that are adorable! I can't wait to start planning out the details of the nursery. We're thinking of pink and brown... although Am refers to it as BROWN with a little pink. :)

As new parents (almost) we are also up for any suggestions on baby things... such as which strollers to stay away from, which diapers are the best, or whatever else you wish you knew ahead of time.

Hope you all had as great of a day as we did!



rach said...

Oh my gosh congrats that is so perfect I miss you guys how are you kids?

Megs said...

WOW, a girl. That is so exciting. Shopping for girls is so much fun. I only get to do it when I buy gifts, seeing at Matt would die if I put Blake in anything pink. We are so happy for you guys.

Jessica said...

YAY!!!!!! Little girls are the best! We love the name Emma too, in fact, we were close to naming ours Emma! SO FUN! Some tips... for strollers, carseats etc. you're pretty safe if you stick with Graco brand. They have lots of cute ones too! Diapers: for newborns Pampers swaddlers are the best. I like Huggies too, and you can get them cheap at Costco! Oh my gosh, I am so excited for you! CONGRATULATIONS and keep in touch!

greg & allyson said...

congratulations you guys. we love having a little girl around. evie is a lot of fun for us. allyson especially likes the dress up part. i think our child is better dressed than her parents. sad.

greg & allyson said...

oh, and advice: name brand diapers, wipes, formula, etc. doesn't always mean quality. i would try some generic things; they are comparable in many cases and you save a lot of money. when she's brand new, it's normal and probably good to be protective against germs, but as time goes on, they've got to build up their immune system. that's all i've got, the rest just comes.

Unknown said...

Congrats! Girls are the best.

Cody and Britt said...

Congrats Jes!! So fun to find your blog too :) I saw your mom yesterday and it made me realize how long its been since I've seen YOU!