Saturday, April 19, 2008

Library Ramblings/iPod on Shuffle

Toto's "Africa" playing on the ipizzle.

My brain hurts. I can't tell if it's because I've been squinting at this computer screen for four hours or because I've been working through this tax depreciation problem for two.

Big Dal came home from Buenos Aires yesterday. He sounds good. Reminds me of a younger, wiser me.

The backyard's bangin. Except for the hibiscus which still seem to have the touch of winter. desert bird of paradise, bougainvillea, lantana, tangelo, orange, lime, sunflowers, cilantro, basil, rosemary, mediterranean palm. Recipe for visual succulence.

Jes is big and beautiful and her belly bounces when she's on her back. Emma dances inside when I sing Jes to sleep. Can't wait to have someone to stay up with during the nights I'm insomnis.

Pinback's "Bad Light" playing now.

I'm on the verge of finishing two or three new songs. Stress brings that out in me.

This summer I'm interning at the Maricopa County Attorney's Office. Probably in the appeals division.

T Weed got married last week and gave up his solitude. Now that he's part of the club, he might want to go on couple's dates and talk about barbeques and 401k's. But probably not.

Obama has fallen to earth, joining Hill-Bill and The General. I'm cynical enough to stay far enough away from any one politician's corner to take his fall from grace personally. Still, the political carousel has too many haters without horses. I get the feeling people attack anything that has promise so they can crack it open and say "see, look at all the flaws" and feel better about their own convictions. Or maybe it's just fundamental fear (i.e. I don't know, therefore I fear, therefore I hate). A lot of that going around still.

Bright Eyes, "Easy/Lucky/Free" playing now.

Have I said how I can't wait to see Emma? I had my "I-never-knew-all-the-stories-were-true-now-I'm-telling-them-too" realization about being a daddy the other day. Even the anticipation changes a man.

Two years of marriage this 29th. Looking back, a couple phrases come to mind: easy/lucky/free, my beautiful jes-bles, money highs and lows, just content, just watching, still waiting for marriage to be hard, my patient wife, apartment and house, winters and summer and now just one long summer, we've got the afternoon, love love love. I don't ever want this to end.

The Stills, "Still in Love Song." Seems like a good one to end on.


pdcardon said...

It makes my stomach hurt to think about tax. When I become President, we're going to live the law of concecration. Instead of trying to figure out depreciation and basis rules, we'll just have to count chickens and pigs and divide them equally. That will be the day.

Jana B. said...

am - a lovely post.

Jana B. said...

can i also say, (a bit unrelated to this post but there was no other place to put it post-wise), that i was reading thoreau on civil disobedience last night and i felt like i was reading your blog.