Wednesday, August 5, 2009


So my WHOLE life I have always thought the "D" is Disneyland was a backwards "G", and I tried the WHOLE time I was there to get that out of my head...didn't work.

My little sister Madi (14) had Nationals for her dance studio and KILLED IT! Her Nationals took place at Disneyland Hotel from Tuesday to Monday. My mom had to go to her stake's girl's camp on Thursday (being the 1st counselor in the stake YW), and since my dad doesn't know how to do Madi's hair, I got to fill in! So Ammon, Emma, and I woke up at 4 AM (Ammon never went to sleep), got in the car, and drove 5 hours to paradise! Emma was SUCH a good girl in the car!

Hanging out with Grandma before she left...

My dad went with Emma and Ammon while I was being a dance mom. He was also so kind as to watch Emma while she was sleeping so that Ammon, Madi, and I could ride some big people rides. :) After Madi was done for the day, we ran over to California Adventure and right onto Tower of Terror. We got off the ride RIGHT before they were closing for the night, so we ran on to do it again. We were literally the LAST ones on the ride, so we got to have an elevator all to ourselves. We invited the staff to go with us, so it would look creepier...and it definitely did! haha!

Emma HATES strollers. She screams the entire time. We either had to backpack her around or carry her, because if we let her down, she would go running in any direction she wanted. She's crazy! Obviously taking Emma to Disneyland was more for me than for her. She LIKED Disneyland, but wasn't crazy about waiting in line. She LOVED the Teacups!!


Becki said...

you guys are so cute! em just keeps getting cuter and cuter. Glad you had a good time!

joelle said...

I have always thought the D in disneyland was a backwards G too!! That is hilarious! Glad you guys had fun! I wanna see some video of Madi's dancing!

Brie and Jeff said...

So so fun!

ashley marie said...

emma is so cute! she reminds me of reese... never stops moving or eating, red hair, etc. joe is left handed so I wonder if reese will be too - then they could be twinsies! haha, I also thought the D was a G and I still have to mentally remind myself that I'm wrong when I look at it. Not really a good cursive D there, Walt.