Monday, August 20, 2007


meredith said...

I love it! Everything looks so nice. Jes, your hair is so dark and pretty and you know I love that. I miss you guys but I am glad that you are settled there. And I am also glad I can keep up with your life now that you have this blog!

jan said...

Congratulations. Everything looks fantastic. I flew over Phoenix the other day and thought of you as we passed the ASU stadium and campus. Good luck and it will be fun to stay in touch through your blog. love from Austin

Anonymous said...

Wow Jes those floors look fantastic, who did you have do them. Do you have their number??

ty. said...

COOOOOLLLL!!!! I'm so jealous! Looks great guys. I hope things are getting settled. How is school and the like? Lob yoy long tim.

AlliSMiles said...

your hair looks great! i miss you!

Joelle said...

I love it Jes! I am coming to visit next week, and I want to see your class! way to go:) LOVE JO

Anonymous said...

Que bom poder visitar o blog de vocês... estaremos visitando sempre, pra acompanhar as novidades...
Ficamos bem felizes em ver as fotos da casa de vocês e queremos que saibam que mesmo longe, sempre nos lembramos e torcemos (e oramos) pela felicidade de vocês!
Estamos mandando e-mail pra contar as novidades (de nossa filhinha etc)...