Tuesday, October 9, 2007

the view is unbelievable

Take a look around.
Look how focused on the day-to-day you are. The emails, the paychecks, the bills, the Thursday night TV shows. Stacks of it. Take a couple steps back, walk up that little rise behind you. Ok, now you see your prevailing emotions: stress, relief, boredom, complacency.
Good. Now walk up the path leading to the peak of your mind, cross over the waters of fleeting dreams, past the foothills of last year's resolutions, and lean over the precipice that is your life's purpose. Now look to your left... See that mountain with a little fire burning on top, a man crouched over the flames? That's me. Now I'm waving.
Yeah, you see me.


That's where I live now. I'll be the one you see at night pacing the mountainside for firewood, warming my hands over the coals with my eyes fixed on the horizon. I'm done with watching the sun rise from the valley. I want visibility infinite. I want to see the curvature of the earth and my life stretched like skin over the whole of it. I'm going epic.

You should try it.


Anonymous said...

Ammon, you've got a serious talent on your hands here, and the world needs to experience it. I know you'll write books one day, but I hope it's sooner than later. You're in school, busy with exams, essays, etc., but write a book, will you? It will be a blessing to us all.

Trevor said...

yeah, i don't get it