Friday, September 28, 2007


To the boys of summer:

Congratulations to those of us who have graduated the perpetual childhood stage. I'm still rooting for those of you who haven't made it.


Some of my best conversations have occurred while breezing through the canyon atop a longboard or strung from a bolt against the canyon wall.

But then life calls you in for dinner, and the pickup game you had going on in the front yard breaks apart. Matt grows a family, Brent finally commits, Jordan and Blake decide they don't like girls anymore and marry the rock. And the sloth passes into oblivion.

I still have my climbing shoes in the back of my car. Waiting for a text to meet up at the Quarry or Rock Canyon. Waiting for Jordan and Blake to show me their new bouldering projects.

I still have my guitar leaned against my bookcase. Waiting for someone to light a candle. Waiting for Trev and his entourage to crowd into the front room. Waiting for Matt to bend over his guitar and flex his chops.

I still have my longboard in the garage. Waiting for a canyon, a good back-wind, and a full moon.

Summer graduation...

Matt's in the bay with a one-year old son, Brent's in hurricane country making enough money to eat Texas BBQ every night, Jordan and Blake carry on the legacy at T-Mobile, and I've chained myself to the books waiting to exhale... Life is upon us.

Nobody on the road, nobody on the beach, I feel it in the air, the summer's out of reach.


Unknown said...

Oh, The Glory Days--man, it seems like yesterday we were having midnight Raintree jam sessions, making countless Wendy's runs, taking trips to Heber :), and just having an all-around good time, with the Foo Fighters as our perpetual background. What an unforgettable summer. Make any more posts like that one and I'll have to stock up on the Kleenex boxes...

Jana B. said...

wow. how true it is.

AlliSMiles said...

he random...jordan and morgan served together. totally know him. funny

ty. said...

crap man. talk about nostalgia. that totally makes me miss my crew. those times were amazing...for any team of scroungies.

Kristen said...

Speaking of nostalgia... Do you remember me? Kristen Omer. Back in the high school days at Brighon High? There was a new guy at work... Greg Cottrell. I told him where I grew up. He said, "I have a cousin that went to Brighton. He was a year younger than you so you probably wouldn't know him." I asked him to try me out. When he said Ammon Barker I was floored. I hear you are at ASU attending law school. If so, what a small world because my husband is looking into getting his docterate there... or at Wisconsin. I vote Arizona because it is much warmer. Your wife works at a high school in Gilbert? We have areally good friend who teaches seminary somewhere in Gilbert. His name is Billy Blair. Any way, let me know what's up. Small world!
