Monday, June 2, 2008

az vacation

Jes and I had the pleasure of housing my siblings (minus Ki-ki-ri) last week. we tried our best to accomodate their varying interests. Kimball wanted to pack as many activities as he could into each day. Jana wanted to spend time with her book (or books, if facebook is really a book). Dallin couldn't have cared less what we did as long as there were plentiful eats. We spent the days at the clubhouse pool (an essential function of the AZ vacation), rock climbing, D-backs game, malls and theatres, longboarding, BBQ with the Browns, hanging with Trev & Liz & Co., and the Organ Stop Pizza place (craziest pizza place ever). Celebrate good times.

The reunion. Me, Jana, Kimball, & Dallin (wearing his I *heart* Hot Moms shirt). Jes was taking the pic and looked smokin' in her pregnant swimmy. Still, she opted out of the pool pics.

Here's Kimball modeling for what looks like his senior photo. Kimball's leaving for Chile on a mission within the month. He's a handy man, an artist, a rocker, a quiet presence as well as a firestarter. Stud.

Here's Jana reading the tiresome series, "Twilight." Jana's preparing to study law at BYU. Last time we talked, she was thinking of becoming a public defender, which I think suits her empathetic persona. Jana's full of class and sass and is destined for great things.

Here's me and Big D listening to Kanye and relishing the shine. Dallin recently returned from Argentina and is now at the Y. Dallin's the type of guy who never needs to sweat school grades or job interviews. He's the guy every one wants to be around. Mr. How-to-succeed-in-business-without-really-trying.

Much love all.


Jessica said...

What, no preggo swimsuit pictures? I don't blame you. I went a couple times when I was pregnant and I don't think we have any pics. I hope that all is well!

Megs said...

It was so fun to see picture of the Barker kids. Everyone is looking great!

mads: said...

ya...i wanted to see jes's hot pregnant swimmy!! post it! it was fun to hang out with the kids.

rach said...

Look how cute the whole barker clan! looks like fun!!!

Sister Brown said...

It was fun having them at our house. They were so fun to be around. I loved Dallin's spices he put on the burgers. Tell them thanks for coming over.

Jana B. said...

i sort of resent the posting of that not-so-glam pic of me in a swimsuit - yes, my favorite thing to sport in all of my pictures. and, yes, i was reading the twilight series and i did happen to look at facebook once in a while - so sue me! i was on vacation. :)