Saturday, August 15, 2009

awe inspiring!

We often blog about Emma so everyone can get to know how adorable she is. Here is just a few of my inspirations that I want to case you haven't seen them. I cried at least once while watching each one, except the last one. It's a pick-me-up after crying! :) Enjoy!

Sorry that you have to go to a different site to watch these videos...I didn't embed them.

my mads
she's the one that starts furthest to your left

her studio

this choreographer

this dance

this turn
feel free to fast-forward to 2:20

these dancers


joelle said...

Thanks for posting videos of mad. She is great!!!!

Becki said...

wow! madison's dance was the most amazing dance ever! we got chills all over watching her! what amazing talent. and we love sytycd!

Sister Brown said...

i love that dance of madi's. I love mia's choreography!!! I cried on both the addiction one and the breast cancer one. I have also teared up watching both you and madi dance.
Gravity is right there with Angels that you did!
I always love watching Emma on your blog though.