Monday, August 24, 2009

Mondrian or Kandinsky?

Emma is obsessed with anything that she is not allowed to have: any type of cleaning product and any electronic device. I have tried to find ways to let her play with a few things is "ok" ways. My computer is a tablet, which means I can write on the screen, which means that Emma can draw on the screen with the special pen (I can't wait for her to draw on it with a permanent marker "accidentally"). So today I let her draw, and she was going crazy! It was so cute! She is mostly left-handed (although the doctor says you can't tell handedness yet), hence the majority of her work on the left side of the page. She also loves it when we draw her name together and say the letters aloud. She gets so proud of herself. It's so cute!! So what do you she more influenced by Mondrian or Kandinsky?




lindsey said...

kandinsky of course!

Sister Brown said...

I agree with Lindsey! She will probably draw as good as her daddy! Although, I agree with you over the dr. She definitely favors her left hand over her right every time.