Wednesday, August 26, 2009


my family never lived super close to cousins, unlike ammon's family who had cousin lunch at BYU with like 50 people. because ty and i missed out on some intense cousin bonding, we're bound and determined to get our kids friends with each other. i'm thinking it'll be super easy because they couldn't be more opposite, as shown in the photo.

emma: red hair, lots of hair, never stops moving (notice the blurry foot), never stops eating (notice the graham cracker in her hand), spicy personality, never does anything we ask her to do

cambryn: blonde hair, hardly any hair, princess, poses and smiles on command

something they do have in common: they love trying on grandma's shoes!

can't wait for more neices & nephews!


Sister Brown said...

that is a priceless picture. please email that one to me. i would love to print it out for my kitchen wall.

Tim and Jennifer said...

So cute! Kyle is so different than my niece Kate as well. His personality sounds more like Emma's!

Becki said...

haha, its funny to see how much personality such a tiny person can have, but she definitely does!

BROWNS. said...

This picture is soo cute!

ty. said...

I love this pic. Def reflects personality. Rooking forward to many great moments with the all the cousins in the mix running around. Lots of pretty in pink and pony tails for the next few years. Who's the next kid to break this trend? We're out of the game for a while.

Lindsey said...

You're right they're total opposites! They are really cute too!