Friday, October 8, 2010


Congratulations, Love, on passing the Bar Exam!  I'm so proud of you!!

 Here's to:
*Another adventurous 4.5 years of marriage!
*A salary job
*Stability and 2 favorite words
*Not being students anymore

*No more budgets.  Okay, so less of a budget.'s in my blood...stop looking at me like that!

*Affording to be spontaneous (I just threw up in my mouth), and taking time to smell the roses

*Finally being adults...although you know I'll always love the "smile" from your 4-year-old soccer pic

*Love and support from people who are already adults...thank you for always bending over backwards on our behalf!

*Your adorably squishy brain that pulled through when you thought it would fall out, and your kidney stone that decided to stay put during those 2 intense days!

*Emma, who would rather play with paper plates than say the word "Congratulations"...newb.  Okay, she's a cute newb!

*Me.  Let's be real, what would you do without me?  Notice who is holding the fauxploma?

*YOU, my amazingly sexy lover of a husband!!  You did it!



Becki said...

yay! congrats! i am so stoked for you guys! we knew he would pass, but i bet it's a huge relief to know for sure! you guys rock! can't wait until the next time we see you!

jes said...

this is the first day of the rest of my life. thanks love for being so excited!!!!!!! you are my muse. thanks for being a single mommy during the long study sessions. and thanks to emma who, when i told her that i had passed, proceeded to congratulate me on going poopoo on the potty. kids will really put things in perspective. because the truth is...this is just the beginning. much love.

jes said...

this is ammon, by the case that was confusing.

Brie and Jeff said...

So awesome! Congratulations, to both of you, again. So exciting.

Jana B. said...

i love how you've extended your marriage for 4.5 more years based on this accomplishment. what a relief! :) This is probably one of my all-time favorite posts on the bles-blam blog. I especially love the "fauxploma" part.

The Bergeson Family said...

Congratulations! That is awesome news! You should have a MONTH of celebrations! We know how it can be with school, studying and busy hubbies! (we have 1 yr left to go!) What a fun post!

Dad said...

Ok, I need to see a copy of the official badge... and two free get of of jail free passes please, for the next time I go gliding through Flag